As I sit here sipping on my ice tea in the sun, my knitting in my lap, I am contemplating time. It's almost June! We know what that means! Summer is officially (well almost) here. Where does the time go?? June is the month of Knit in Public (June 10th) and also Heart2Hearts large sidewalk sale! (also June 10th).
The month of May was so much fun! A HUGE THANK YOU to all who came out for the PNW Yarn Crawl and the LYS Yarn Tour. A round of applause is due for our volunteers as well. Without them, these fun events may not even be possible! I hope you all had fun visiting all the yarn shops!
And on the note of LYS Tour, Heart2Heart is offering two free patterns, for a limited time, with the purchase of Cherry Creek Sock Yarn, or Cascade Heritage Silk. This offer expires June 29th.
There is a lot more info in this one little issue of our monthly newsletter!
Happy Summer. We wish you many blessings and lots of stitching!
Lisa, Cindy, & Mary

Join us June 1st
Summer Tee Knit-Along!
This summer marks our 1st annual June Summer Tee Knit Along. On Thursday, we have two options to come in and hang out, cast on your Summer Tee and get your name in the raffle! (Yes, there will be prizes).
11 AM and 5 PM for cast on!
There are only a couple "rules"
1. You may choose any pattern you want, as long as it classifies as a SUMMER TEE.
By that, we mean something short sleeve and "T" type garment.
2. may use your own stash
3. HAVE FUN....this is the most important of all!
We want this to be a fun, supportive knit for everyone. If you have never knitted a garment, now is the time. There is lots of support and creative wisdom to share!
No sign ups, just join us!
Summer Tee Suggestions: (only suggestions)

World Wide Knit in Public Day
June10, 2023
Celebrate the passion for knitting with fellow knitters around the world. You can be a beginner or maybe you have been knitting for years – everybody is welcome!
One day every year celebrate World Wide Knit in Public Day.
We knit in public and share each others company – or meet new knitters in our area.
Heart2Heart is hosting Knit In Public
10:AM - 3 PM
Join us! All you have to do is bring a chair and your project. Don't have a project? We can help you with that. We will be popping up a large tent to keep us in the shade (or out of the rain).

June 10th Heart2Heart will have its annual Tent/Sidewallk
Clearance Sale.
This sale will be extended to online also, so it will not be easy to miss! No codes or coupons will be needed.
New Books & back in stock


Quantities are limited